Sunday, July 6, 2014

For my girlfriends

I have a really fabulous group of girlfriends. It started with me and my best friend J. We met on our first day of our first job - cash register training at a local grocery store. I was 15, she was 16. Years later, days before Christmas, we found ourselves squeezed together on my couch with seven other women who took a short break from the busy holiday season to spend an evening together. Each had started a friendship with one of us, and wound up friends with both. We showed up exactly as we were - in work attire, yoga pants, old college sweatshirts, even a pair of reindeer antlers - drank wine, swapped gifts, asked advice, and shared updates on our work and love lives. At one point J and I looked at each other to acknowledge our shared brainwaves: "Look at what we built." When people talk about the value of friendship and the importance of other women in our lives, I think of that moment on my couch and feel blessed. I can't imagine a world without friendships like these.

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